Medicinal Food Plants

 Medicinal food plants may be defined as those food plants whose consumed parts are recognized for their therapeutic effects either in traditional medicine or biomedicine. The good thing about medicinal foods is that they are consumed as part of a normal food pattern. The amount and form of medicinal foods are as you take them in your normal diet.

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However the normal diet here is intended to mean the way God intended for us to eat those foods: Unchanged, Untreated and Unpreserved.

It has been proven time and again the medicinal  food deliver maximally when eaten raw or with minimal processing. We have proofs that boiling, frying, baking and other method of cooking lead to changes in form and chemical composition of the food which will definitely affect the efficacy of the food as medicine.

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Medicinal foods come in diverse forms, example are pawpaw, garlic, peppermint, onions, bitter leaf, bitter kola, alligator pepper. 


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