Issues Relating To Pregnancy

 Signs of pregnancy

When a woman is in stage of pregnancy, the following signs are usually noticed ;

• Missing of menstruation but this is not a strong indication until it is still missed the second month.

• Increase in size and fullness of breast with darkening and enlargement of the areola and the nipples of the breast.

• Increase in times of urination due to nervous irritability of the bladder.

• Nausea and vomiting/morning sickness

• Fatigue

• Skin changes

• Quickening which in  the  movement of the fetus at 16th to 20th week.

Menstruation during pregnancy

At implantation, a pregnant woman may still notice slight blood coming out of vagina which might be mistaken for normal menstruation. If it is not too much in quantity and less in days than the usual days of the woman's menstrual days, it is much likely she is pregnant. Missing of menstruation alone should not always be taken as sign of pregnancy because it can be caused by emotional disturbances, illness, drugs, change of environment and the strong desire to be pregnant.

Danger Signs During Pregnancy

Whenever any of the following signs are  noticed, a pregnant woman needs to consult her medical doctor without delay;

• Excessive vomiting with or without blood

• Heartburn 

• Severe backache

• Troublesome varicose veins or hemorrhoids

• Prolong constipation

• Bleeding from vagina opening

• Fainting 

• Swollen legs

• Frequent itching of the skin

• Fetus inactivity

•  Offensive fluid from vagina

• Excessive weakness or tiredness

• Looking pale probably due to anaemia

• Frequent blurred vision, dizziness and high blood pressure.

• Neurosis. 


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