How To Know When Your Immune System Needs Urgent Attention

 Our Immune system works basically to protect us in three ways:

1. In the event that the antigens do produce and spread the immune system goes to attack, over ride and destroy them all.

2. If antigens penetrate our body system, a barrage of proteins and white blood cells rush to attack and destroy the antigens.

3. Immune system over ride and destroy antigens before they enter our bodies.

When immune system fail to do all these then that shows a weak immune system which is inflammation and this causes a range of illnesses.

The following are the symptoms that indicate weak immune system:

1. Fatigue:

When your immune system is weak you body will try to conserve energy and direct it towards your sluggish immune system to keep it working. The result is often chronic fatigue. To prevent your health from further deterioration you must give your immune system much - needed attention.

2. Constipation/diarrhea:

Frequent constipation and diarrhea indicate inflammation in the gut caused by a bacteria or virus that your immune system is took weak to destroy chronic and recurring digestion problems and that is typically poor immune system.

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3. Elevated Stress Levels:

Research shows that long term stress weakens immune system.

Have you noticed you often get sick after a particular stressful time in your life ? It's crucial to find time to relax and de- stress on a regular basis.

4. Cold hands and Feet:

Inflammation of the blood vessels constricts blood flow to the extremities, causing them to feel cold and numb. Again this is a symptom of sluggish immune system.

5. Slow Healing:

Scratches or wound that tend to get swollen, inflamed and take longer time to heal indicate a weak immune system which need urgent attention.

6. Frequent infections :

Sore throat, ear infections, cut that become infected are all signs of weak immune system needs a major boost.

7. Frequent Colds:

Your immune system is not functioning well when you suffer frequent colds that are hard to shake off that means your immune system is took weak to detect and destroy a simple cold antigen.

What are the super foods to boost immune system ? Follow us on the next edition or you can write to us via email:


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