Hearing Problems In Old Age

 Hearing impairment are common among old people especially those who are over 65 years which make them to misunderstand conversation, not to enjoy discussion, television and radio.

Just as it is good to treat hearing problem in young people, the same goes for old people as when left untreated, the problem becomes worse, making social activities to be dull and also make the oldies to be suspicious of those they cannot hear properly. Such hearing impaired old people too may be regarded as uncooperative, confused etc. by those who do not actually know their state of hearing ability.

Hearing impairment in old age apart from ageing process may also due to exposure to continuous excessive loud noise, viral infections , effect of drugs, tumours, stroke, hereditary, excessive ear wax etc. Some hearing problems of the elderly include : Presbycusis (hearing loss associated with ageing due to diminishing efficiency and gradual deterioration in the auditory system making it difficult for the elderly to understand speech, have poor tolerance for loud sound) which is likely to be genetic induced as not all old people have it and it is more common among white than black.

The presbycussis is usually due to aging, environmental noise, effects of certain drugs, poor diet, genetic make up can also contribute . 

Conduction deafness is a blockage or impairment of the mechanical movement in either the outer or middle ear impossible or difficult. This may be due to abnormal ear bone growth, packed ear wax, extra fluid in the ear. Those who suffer from it usually have difficulty in hearing properly especially the tonation of those who are speaking to them and they also talk at low voice to others.


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