Diabetes Mellitus and Its Solution

Diabetes is probably coined from a Greek word that means to pass through. It is associated with the passing from the kidney to the urine of sugar from the blood. It is a disorder of glucose metabolism in the body. Diabetes mellitus is also known as sugar diabetes and is caused by failure of pancreas to produce insulin for the body to be able to digest glucose. The glucose then appears in heavy concentration and spills over via the kidney into the urine. A person suffering from the diseases is said to be diabetic. Anderson, Morton and Green (1978) opined that diabetes should be visualised as a vascular as well as metabolic disorder with altered carbohydrate metabolism as the morbidity of diabetes is caused by its vascular complications.

Karam (1985) believed that clinical diabetes mellitus connotes a syndrome with disorder metabolism and inappropriate hyperglycemia due to either absolute deficiency and or ineffective biologic effectiveness of insulin secretion. There are two major types. Type 1:  Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus that is associated with ketosis (the condition in which substances formed by the liver when the digestion of fats is in hampered as in diabetes are present in the blood as in state of acidosis) in untreated state. It is common among the juveniles and rare among adults. The type ll: Non -insulin dependant diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is a manifestation of a heterogeneous group comprising milder forms of diabetes that occur predominantly in adults but rare among juveniles. 
Circulating endogenous insulin is adequate to prevent ketoacidosis but usually, it is either subnormal or relatively small when the need arises due to insensitivity.

A potential diabetes patients will have the following:

• Parents or close relatives are diabetic
• Eye problems
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Postural problems and emotional instability
• Hyperglycemia
• Skin infection, unhealed wounds and sores
• Frequent urination
• Hunger 

Anti Diabetic

Most of patients managing type 2 diabetes are benefitting a lot from the adverse therapeutic effects of turmeric. This is so because turmeric improves blood sugar and reduces insulin resistance to alleviate the effects of the diseases. The positive effects of turmeric on nerves helps in general well being of patients.


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