
Showing posts from 2018

Grow Your Bottom Line and Reduce Refunds with These 9 Tips

It sounds simple, doesn’t it? Provide a quality product with quality content and your sales will stick? Well, not so fast… Our 20 years of digital marketing experience has taught us that reducing refunds is an art, which when done correctly, can have a HUGE positive impact on your business. There are many points throughout the buyer’s experience where, if not executed properly, the likelihood of a customer refunding becomes higher. Here at ClickBank, we want to empower you with all the tools you need to make refunds a thing of the past. ,br> Our industry experts have compiled a checklist just for you with tips from seamless fulfillment to prestige customer service, all of which ensure your sales are lasting and your bottom line is thriving! Check out our TOTALLY FREE refund prevention guide now!


Which one did  you  click? Were you enticed by the idea of increasing your conversions? Did the yellow button grab your attention? Or were you determined to become an expert? Did you realize that those buttons are live examples of a call to action? A call to action (also known as a CTA) is exactly as it sounds: a call for your visitor to take an action. Its a button included on a website, usually accompanied with copy, prompting the visitor to perform a specific and immediate task. Now, let’s make one thing clear:  effective   calls to action are essential and should not be underestimated.   If you take the time and necessary steps to build this area of your marketing strategy, you will notice an increase in your desired results. Notice we say, “your desired results”. That’s because calls to action are not used solely to persuade visitors to purchase something, as you are probably most familiar with. If you have ever clicked anything on the internet, it was most likely a c
Welcome Become an Envelope Filler Register with Postal.Cash and start earning from your own home-based envelope filling / direct mail business. Work from the comfort of your own home Flexible – work whenever you want, day or night Suitable for any age, ability or background Register, receive your Starter Pack and get started! What does it involve?… A home-based envelope filling / direct mail operation involves folding letters, placing in envelopes and writing names and addresses on envelopes. Our Starter Pack provides you with all the information, knowledge and ‘know how’ to get started along with access to our members area. Our head office team are also on hand to answer any questions you may have. Register Now > What could I earn?… Earnings vary from person to person. It depends on how much time an individual is willing or able to commit, as well as their personal goals and levels of motivation and desire to succeed. This is an ideal opportunity if you want a

5 Tips to Rapidly Scale Your Affiliate Program

There are a ton of ways to earn money via the internet and one of them is through affiliate programs. Over the years, more and more online entrepreneurs have been trying their luck with this business model and it’s not surprising why. If you can earn by simply promoting a link and driving traffic to a product page, wouldn’t you be tempted to invest? We’ve all heard about stories of people making money out of affiliate programs from those who earn a modest $100 per day to the more successful who have made thousands and thousands of dollars. While earning huge profit from such programs is definitely possible, maintaining and scaling them is easier said than done. There’s a lot of work involved in scaling affiliate programs, and realistically speaking, you’ll be needing all the help you can get. If you want to scale your affiliate program faster, hiring freelancers to take care of some of your other tasks is a great first step. There are so many ways virtual assistants can h

Six Steps to Finding a Great Product to Promote

Succeeding or failing as an affiliate marketer can often be traced back to the products you choose to promote. At first, selecting a product to promote seems simple enough. You sign up with ClickBank and choose from any of the thousands of products available from over 54,000 vendors, then create a HopLink and slap it on your website – done!But then, a couple of weeks down the line, you begin to wonder why you haven’t made any sales. You start to get a sneaking suspicion that maybe you should have spent more time choosing the right product to promote! Understandably, the sheer selection of products on offer at ClickBank can be completely overwhelming to a newbie. How do you know if a product will sell well? What about competition? What do all the numbers mean? Although there is no 100% watertight method for finding a profitable product, there are a few things that go a long way to increasing your chances of success. Here are six research steps we recommend for finding a profitab


Facebook right now is the most used social network platform in the world. It is a place where friends meet and connect. A place where over 1billion user meet daily is perfect place for advertising or marketing product that can earn you income. All you need to do to drive traffic to your account is to create a group/fan page and add a lot of people. After creating a group/fan page the next thing is to choose a niche, it could be about gaming, making money online, healthcare, insurance etc. Then the next step would be to register as an affiliate marketer on either Clickbank, Clickbetter, Commission junction or Linkshare . Check their marketplace for product based on your selected niche that could advertise on your fan page for commission. Then you start posting about the product you are selected and place your affiliate link with your post.When I started I was making up to $600/day So Facebook marketing is very profitable business venture into and it is hassle free. A lot of people are

Several Ways To Benefit From Your Membership Of Social Networking sites

Several Ways To Benefit From Your Membership Of Social Networking sites These social networks form part of the social media sphere which encompasses content provided by users and not webmasters themselves. Social networking sites are all the rage these days and you will hear that almost everyone wants to be part of a social network. The reason why these sites are popular is because people feel part of a group and there are special social sites that are even more specific to a niche. Whether or not you decide to join them to share common interest or for your internet business, becoming a member can bring you significant benefit providing you pay attention to some common features found on almost all social networking sites. Here are some ways you can benefit from your membership in a social networking sites. Profile page Joining a social networking site without filling in your profile details is like being invisible in a crowd. Take the time to fill up the blank spaces. Yes it takes